Sunday, February 12, 2012

Flemish scholarships and grants


Foreign students can apply for a Flemish scholarship or grant if the following conditions are fulfilled:
  • You have been living in Belgium with your family for at least two years or you are recognised as a political refugee.
  • You are not repeating an academic year.
  • You are registered as regular student.

Other means

  • The government or other official or private organisations in your home country may award scholarships.
  • The Flemish Department of Education and Training (Unit for Cultural Agreements) offer limited scholarships.
  • Other grants are subject to international cultural exchange programmes (postgraduate studies only) and should be applied for locally, e.g. from your ministry of education, a full year before the academic year begins.
  • Several Flemish universities offer a small number of study grants.
  • The international organisations UNESCO, WHO, FAO, NATO, EOSR, EU, and service clubs offer scholarships.
  • There are Erasmus mobility scholarships for students from one of the participating states in the Lifelong Learning Programme. For more details you must contact your local university.
  • Erasmus Mundus scholarships allow students from outside the EU to follow the Erasmus Mundus master course leading to a degree.
  • In the Tempus and in the Erasmus Mundus External Cooperation Windows there are also mobility scholarships to allow students from outside the EU to come to study in the EU for a limited period.

More information

► Flemish Department of Education and Training
Scholarships and Grants Division
Hendrik Consciencegebouw
Koning Albert II-laan 15, B-1210 Brussel
  • Belgian bilateral development cooperation: study and training grants for students from developing countries, Directorate General for Development Cooperation (DGDC):
  • University cooperation for development of the Flemish universities: study and training grants for students from developing countries, Flemish Interuniversity Council – Secretariat for Development Cooperation (VLIR-UOS):
  • Portal for the Erasmus programme and other mobility scholarships for university and university college students who have already completed one year of their studies. The grants system makes it possible to attend classes at a partner institution in another country. Some 29 countries, including 15 in Europe, are involved in this programme.

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